Can a .NET developer switch to Java without starting over?

Java is an object-oriented programming language, and .NET is a framework with C# as the programming language. Both Java and .NET are suitable for developing solutions for corporate world.
Since both languages are popular in their category, it is usually challenging to choose the language that best suits your development needs to develop intuitive applications.
Should You Make the Switch?
The Main Differences between Java and .NET
Java is a programming language, which works on any operating system. Java also provides a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that allows the code to run on any device and any operating system. It is, therefore, considered a portable language.
Whereas, .NET is mostly viewed as a framework and is mainly Windows-oriented. .NET also supports languages such as C#, C++, VB.NET, etc.
For .NET applications, there is a standard IDE — a visual studio; that is a fantastic tool that can help create different applications. On the other hand, there are two leading IDEs available on the market for Java developers — IntelliJ Idea and Eclipse.
5 Reasons You Should Switch from C# to Java
1. Much better job opportunities
Indeed, at the time of writing, says there are 29,694 jobs for Java developers and 16,085 jobs for .NET developers across the United States.
Java is also the leader in the TIOBE index, being in high demand among those who want to enter the world of programming, making Java an excellent choice for novice professionals because it is a skill that is in high demand (three billion devices run Java!), which means more job opportunities.
According to the available data, 90% of the Fortune 500 companies use Java to create applications and internal systems. And this is a financially viable career option when the average Java developer earns $102,514 per year.
2. Much easier to work with than other JVM-based languages
One of the essential features of Java is that it has a common language on different platforms. However, the programs written with it work independently from each other in various types of operating systems. JVM supports languages such as Python, Ruby, Groovy, Scala, and Kotlin.
Thus, we can say that Java is based on a single programming language, which is useful for supporting multiple programming languages.
3. Java’s portability and compatibility
One of the main advantages of Java is that it is portable, so you can easily choose the operating system according to your specifications and create an application or website. I.e. Java applications are much more compatible with other platforms.
4. More ambitious projects
Moving to Java will benefit your career by complementing your developing skills. The most significant advantage of learning Java is the ability to develop applications for Android.
Android is the most dominant operating system for smartphones in our time. Therefore, there is a considerable demand from Android programmers who can develop applications for Android.
How To Learn Java Fast as a .NET Developer
Now that I’ve convinced you to start learning Java, you’re probably wondering what the best and most successful way to learn how to use Java is.
The first thing you want to do, while studying Java, is to find a number of free resources on the Internet. Let’s take a look at the best offered.
GeekForGeeks — The Most Extensive Portal
Another good resource is the GeeksForGeeks. There are many different courses here, not only Java. Here you can find a lot of coding tasks to understand the algorithms and solve puzzles.
The Java course is specifically designed for Java students who want to focus their skills on Java. So if you want to become a Java Senior programmer one day or just get a taste of that particular programming language — then this is the right course for you to start with. It covers all Java topics, right from the basics through to the more complex topics, such as Set Interface, Map Interface, etc.
CodeGym — Learning Made Easy Through Gamification & Practice
CodeGym is an online Java Core course with 1200 coding tasks (from the most basic level to the most complicated one). It also has lectures & a built-in validator.
CodeGym tutorials use special techniques to make learning more comfortable and more enjoyable: storytelling, games, as well as other fun activities.
This Java course is comprised of 40 levels. It is only possible to move to the next level if most of the tasks have been completed in the current one. As a result, you might get more than 500 hours of Java programming practice.
CodeWars — Non-Trivial Approach To Learning Challenges
Codewars is a fantastic resource for learning Java (and dozens of other languages too).
Once you have a basic knowledge of Java, it’s time to start using it to solve problems, or “kata” on Codewars. You start with eight kyus i.e. “rank 8”, the lowest in the ranks, and then by solving tasks you obtain higher rank.
CodeAcademy — Good Balance Of Theory And Practice
CodeAcademy is one of the “big boys” in the world of online learning; therefore, it shouldn’t be a surprise why it’s on my list.
It’s an exciting way to combine theory and practical exercises on one page, although the theoretical part is lacking a bit.
Main Challenges And Ways To Overcome Them
You can make switching a lot easier if you start using Java for your personal projects.
Whether playing or learning a new aspect of software development (e.g., algorithms), use something new — use Java. This means that you will already feel relatively comfortable when you enter the Java platform market.
What are the main problems?
There are many libraries/frames that do the same thing, and a set of Java APIs, which try to use a number of these problems. This is very confusing when moving from the .NET universe, which is easier in this respect (i.e., for many things, there is a prominent tool choice).
The second is the OS. I doubt that someone who has used Windows throughout their lives can easily switch to developing software for Linux.
The tip here is — get to know things, if you use Windows at work, use Linux at home, even if it boils down to surfing the Internet and watching online videos, you will learn a lot.
To sum it up
Java technologies offer more choice, more open-source software for use and support, and a great community. As for .NET, I admit that C# is a great language, and Visual Studio is a great IDE.
However, at the moment, Java developers’ jobs are more popular and highly paid.
With this in mind, the experience in both applications looks impressive, and if you have more practical experience in .NET, learning Java will not be a problem. If you also have the option of switching from .NET to Java, don’t hesitate, do it now.
Start with small home projects and online courses in your spare time at home. In a month or two, you’ll have enough experience to start encoding something quite serious, or maybe even something commercial.
Can a .NET developer switch to Java without starting over? was originally published in Quick Code on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.