With so many benefits of programming, it’s quite tempting to become a Java developer. Why Java? Because this programming language can be learned rather quickly and easily, even though its syntax is not the simplest out there. What’s the catch? This and many more aspects I’m going to reveal.
Why Choose Java?
As just mentioned, Java isn’t actually the easiest programming language in the world, but it’s definitely a good bet. Why? Because there are tons of online resources readily available just for everyone. Being a mature programming language, Java has piled up lots of databases, communities, and web platforms intended to level up your skills.
But are there any other reasons to choose Java besides that it’s quite easy and quick to learn? Well, a lot.
- The main success behind the Java programming language is its rich API system. The thing is, Java comes with an extended set of tools that are all supported by Java’s open-source ecosystem.
- The powerful IDEs are the other thing that has taken Java to the top level. Such a popular tool as IntelliJ IDEA (written in Java) has made coding in this language a joyful experience. It offers high-level debugging assistance for any programmer.
- Java boasts the “Write once, run anywhere” mantra, meaning it’s extremely versatile and can be used everywhere. From basic laptops, tablets, game consoles, and mobile phones to specific gadgets. From this, it’s easy to guess that it’s widely applied at mobile apps, Web-based apps, and gaming apps and at enterprise apps, business apps, scientific apps, cloud-based apps, and big data technologies.
- From the above fact, it’s also easy to see why Java programmers are so demanded. According to top job websites like Indeed and Glassdoor, there are more than 85,000 job openings for Java developers only in the USA. And, according to ZipRecruiter’s data, the average salary of a Java dev in the USA may go as high as $80.000 — $100.000 per year.
- Besides all that, I can say that Java can become a great starting point for anyone who will learn as many programming languages as possible because Java is an Object Oriented Programming language and its concepts are similar to C/C++and other popular languages.
Total score: development is faster with Java. It’s universal, robust, demanded, and easy-to-learn, owing to thousands of communities with millions of Java developers worldwide. No other programming language can offer all these features wrapped in one package.
So, where and how to learn Java?
Create a Plan. Set an Algorithm
You may think that the road starts by reading theory and writing code. But the essential first step is to build a plan that will be fundamental to successful learning.
Level 0: Learn Java Core+. At this pre-stage, you should get accustomed to Java Syntax and understand Java Object, Class, method, and the like.
Level 1: OOP. Try to absorb information about OOP principles carefully and start practicing as soon as possible.
Level 2: Java Collections. Here, you’ll learn the data structures via Java Collections interface and Map interface.
Level 3: Java Exceptions. It’s the topic about abnormal situations that might occur during the running of a program.
Level 4: Input/Output streams. All input and output operations are performed via Streams in Java. It’s something like a continuous flow of data.
Level 5: Algorithms and Puzzles. All the popular algorithms and puzzles are already described and solved on the network many times, so you shouldn’t face difficulties when learning this topic. They can teach you how Java works and how to solve complicated and fuzzy problems.
Level 6: Java Multithreading. It’s a more complex topic that can help you step up from writing primitive codes.
Level 7: Java Patterns. This topic will also explain how to write programs and whether they are good enough to see the world.
Level 8. Unit testing. It’s a vital skill that will help you find and neutralize bugs in your own code.
Level 9: Lambdas. Today, many companies require their Java specialists (even juniors) to manipulate lambda expressions, so I recommend including this topic in your plan as well.
This brief plan consists of essential topics to help you acquire basic Java knowledge. But to find your first job and feel not like a stranger on your new post, you should also consider some add-ons like:
- Git. It’s a must for any professional programmer to be “fluent” with version control systems and know how to work with tools like Github / Gitlab. Every software company uses them for tracking changes and teamwork.
- JavaScript. This cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language will be a welcome extra feature in your CV since it’s found in every web browser.
- SQL. Nearly any Java dev will use SQL at some point. It’s a domain-specific language used for managing data held in RDBMS.
- Spring. It’s the most popular Java framework highly demanded in enterprise environments.
Well, where can you get this knowledge? Luckily, the Internet is now full of different online platforms that let you practice, hone your skills, compete with peers, or learn Java from scratch. Among the best online services for complete beginners, these are definite winners.
- Codegym. Created by programmers for programmers, the course puts emphasis on Java fundamentals. It offers engaging step-by-step lessons and well-structured training modules with instant verification and a virtual mentor. Also, the students will be able to solve tasks in a web IDE or CodeGym’s plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and create their first mini-projects. By the way, the CodeGym course also provides targeted preparation for job interviews.
- Codecademy. This is another helpful Java portal full of short, easy-to-read lectures with engaging, practical tasks. Codecademy also boasts a user-friendly web IDE where you can write the code and check it immediately.
- GeeksforGeeks. It’s a popular web portal known for its huge database available for people who want to learn Java and other programming languages.
No matter what course you choose, my recommendation is to start small and scope a particular skill so as not to get overwhelmed at the beginning.
What about Theory?
Naturally, you should also include some third-party resources to polish up your theoretical knowledge. As with anything, knowing the basics of Java is the best place to start, so I suggest exploring some Java book collections additionally. The “22 Best Java Books For Beginners and Advanced learners In 2021” and Best Books to Learn Java for Beginners and Experts reviews are at your disposal. Additionally, you can refer to online tutorials. There are plenty of options available online, so almost anyone can find a tutorial for their preference.
Ask Questions
Let’s be honest, there is no perfect Java course that will cover all your questions. To reach them all, you may refer to numerous Java communities like StackOverflow, Coderanch. Besides that, you can take advantage of highly popular Quora and Reddit, where you can ask even the most stupid questions and get quick answers to them. In addition to some extra help, you can also find motivation and inspiration there.
Wrap Up
Summing up, you can really learn Java quickly and easily if you create an exciting plan and follow it without breaks; stick to the right resources and tools; practice daily; join Java communities. By mixing all these tips altogether, you have no chances for failure. Java learning can be enjoyable — just try and see for yourself!
Can Learning Java Be Quick, Easy, and Fun? was originally published in Javarevisited on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.